Digital Well-Being pt 2
Embracing a Healthy Digital Well-Being: Finding a Balance Hello again! In a world that’s more digitally connected than ever before, it’s essential to take a step back and reflect on our digital well-being. What’s that, you ask? In my previous post on Digital Well-Being, we learned that it is all about finding balance in the…
The BEST Newsletters Every New Digital Designer Should Know
To be a designer in the past, you had to attend a post-secondary institution, do an internship or two, and then make your way up the career ladder. Learning was formal, and access to conferences, exclusive magazines, and extra courses was a privilege. Now with the World Wide Web being so accessible: design tools and…
Digital Well-Being Pt.1
It seems like every application has a “digital well-being” section in their settings lately. Users have been more mindful of how bright their screens are, how long they have been staring at it, and if the time spent is benefitting their life outside of the screen. As a graphic designer, I really struggle with this.…